Thursday, April 30, 2015

My best is yet to come — Essence



Popular singer and former Kennis Music signee, Essence, hasn’t been so visible in the public sphere lately, and she attributes this to the fact that she has been behind the scenes tirelessly re-branding her craft.

The Theatre Arts graduate of the Delta State University, Abraka, who has been in the industry for more than a decade also revealed in a chat with Potpourri that her best is yet to come.

Do you think the Nigerian Entertainment Conference can solve the problems besetting the entertainment industry?
We have to talk about our issues, before people will start to take cognisance of it. If we stay in our little corners and argue, and nothing is done, then nothing will change. Conferences like this are avenues for us to come together, rub minds, learn from people’s experiences, and tailor it to suit our own situation.
As someone who has been in the industry for a while now, what would you say is its biggest challenge?
It’s the same challenge that Nigeria as a whole is facing. Electricity, water, basic amenities…because if we don’t have these things, then the creative juices wouldn’t flow. Piracy is also a big problem, because we have people reaping from where they did not sow. Imagine having to hustle to get your products out there with so little encouragement, then somebody just bursts your bubble. However, we’re still marching on.
You’ve been silent for a while now, what have you been up to?
That’s because I’m re-branding, so I need to take out time to internalise. I’m still working in the studio though; I have a couple of songs in the works. When they’re ready, the videos will follow. Just expect new sounds and collaborations from me, but it’s still the quintessential Essence with that RnB feel.
Can you address reports that you’ve fallen out with your mentor, KSB?
Are you serious? I’m just hearing that for the first time. I dropped her at the airport when she was going to Abuja yesterday, so which falling out is that?
So you guys are cool?
Yes, now. What could we be quarelling about? If you have not been seeing us together regularly, it’s because she’s into politics now, and she moves with her politics people. She’s evolving, and I as her friend and sister, support her.
Are you going to be joining her in politics?
No o! I’m not a politician, and I have no political inclination.
Last words to your fans?
Thank you for sticking with me this long. The best is yet to come. God bless you, and keep listening to good music

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